+44 (0)20 8554 1624 pa@chabadilford.co.uk

This week we read a double portion from the Chumash / Book of Devarim / Deuteronomy.

In the Eighth section, Moses begins his third and final address to the Jewish people, delivered on the day that he would die, the 7th Adar, 2448.

In the ninth section, the Sedra continues this final farewell address by Moses to the Jewish people. It begins with the account of how Moses went (Vayeilech in Hebrew) and installed Joshua as his successor and continues with describing how Moses wrote down the Torah and commanded the people to assemble every seven years to hear it read in the holy Temple.


Wednesday evening begins the Festival of Rosh Hashana. This is a two-day Festival (even in Israel when the festivals are only one day). As The Festival concludes Shabbat begins, which in effect means we have three holy days, two for Rosh Hashanah and one for Shabbat.

The Mitzvah of the day is to HEAR THE SHOFAR. There are many other beautiful customs, but THE MITZVAH of the day is hearing THE SHOFAR.

Chabad across Essex has three beautiful Synagogue services for you to choose from in addition to the numerous local Synagogues on offer. Wherever you choose to celebrate this Festival, may they be uplifting and inspiring prayers and gatherings.

As we list to the Shofar, lets close our eyes and pray deeply for the long-term security of Israel in its entirety, with Moshiach, the IDF soldiers, the displaced people from their homes and the hostages still incarcerated.
As we say in psalms, “we call out from the straights, and G-d will answer us from his breadth”. The shofar is narrow at its mouth peace from where we blow, and the sound comes forth from the breadth of the shofars end. SO too, we pray that G-d answers all of our prayers personal communal and for all of our people – AM YISROEL CHAI !

Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Sweet and successful New Year.

Rabbi Aryeh MBE & Mrs Devorah Sufrin